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1 Charles Johnson  Jun 15, 2014 10:22:24am

What’s with the random capitalization in the title?

If you aren’t sure how to capitalize a title, that’s why there’s a “Title Case” button.

2 CriticalDragon1177  Jun 15, 2014 10:50:07am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Okay, sorry about that.

3 Skip Intro  Jun 15, 2014 12:01:25pm

Adam is going to be making some new friends soon.

Gun rights activist Adam Kok­esh, who was convicted of drug and gun charges Thursday in a Fairfax County court, did not contest the allegations, but he called the raid that led to his arrest “political persecution.”

Kokesh, 32, entered an Alford plea in Circuit Court to two felonies related to his possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms while possessing a gun. In an Alford plea, a defendant does not admit guilt but acknowledges that prosecutors have enough evidence to obtain a conviction.

Kokesh faces a maximum of 15 years in prison when he is sentenced Sept. 5.

Kokesh was arrested in July when federal and local authorities raided the Herndon home he shared with other activists.

4 nines09  Jun 15, 2014 12:18:09pm

re: #3 Skip Intro

The guards will love him. As will some trustys and a few others. He’s in for a fun filled stay in stir.

5 Dark_Falcon  Jun 15, 2014 3:30:29pm

re: #4 nines09

The guards will love him. As will some trustys and a few others. He’s in for a fun filled stay in stir.

If the recent Federal programs to prevent prison rape protect him from getting violated, will he repent of his attacks on them or will he just think it proves what a badass he is?

Never mind, to ask the question is to answer it. Kokesh is so crazy that if guard were dragging someone who’d wanted to assault him away, he’d think they were protecting the other guy from him.

6 nines09  Jun 15, 2014 5:19:08pm

re: #5 Dark_Falcon

He can be as delusional as they come, but he’s not going to have time to daydream about being a hard guy. He’ll get the drift in about 20 seconds and the facts from that point on.

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